Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Human Health Improves with Goat Milk Consumption

Human Health Improves
with Goat Milk Consumption

Australian Family Even Experienced Improved Dental Checks

By Tim King

Improved dental health is among the many health benefits of drinking goat milk. Goat milk improved the health of the teeth, skin, and the digestion of Vanessa Grant's children in Tasmania, Australia. The positive effect on one child's digestion was dramatic.
"Our fifth child didn't nurse well and ended up on formula," said Grant. "However she also was allergic to all the formulas—including the commercial goat formula. Reading the back of the tin I was rather disgusted to see how processed it was. It didn't contain ‘whole goat milk,' but ‘protein derived from goat milk' and other things including canola oil. But it was the only brand of goat formula available."
"In the meantime, the baby, who was seven months old, was full of mucus through all her airways," Grant said. "She was coughing and vomiting after feeds. She was a really sick, sick baby. The naturopath took one look at her and said, ‘Her food is making her sick. Get her on raw goat milk.'"
"Because we had had our own goats before, and knew how good goat milk was, we were quick to take his advice. We found a source of raw goat milk. The baby was well within a week, and after that she was a healthy baby with no mucus, coughing, or vomiting at all."
The Grant family children had equally dramatic results regarding their dental health when they had goat milk available.
"We could only get the raw milk for the baby at that time, not for our other children," Grant said. "They had to be content with normal milk. By then there were no obvious intolerances, so they drank normal milk. After two years of this, one child developed terrible cavities, and later an abscess resulting in about three separate dentist visits and an extraction! It was a while before we could get back onto raw milk. He was having gum and tooth troubles all that time. But we finally went back on raw goat milk, and he had no tooth problems after that."
The Grant family moved a number of times while the children were young and growing. Like many people, they have not always been able to have a goat or to find goat milk. But before her younger son developed the severe dental problems she described, she had also witnessed the positive effects of goat milk on her older children's teeth.
"After two years on this (raw goat) milk we had a dental nurse appointment for the four children. The dental nurse was very excited by the condition of our children's teeth," Grant said. "She just couldn't get enough of saying how amazing they were, with no cavities in any of the four. She insisted we must be very good with tooth brushing. We aren't really all that good at remembering all the time. She also thought that we must be really strict about no sweets. But that's not true either. We had sweets sometimes, the same as anyone else!"
Grant admits she can't actually prove that her children's dental health is related to drinking goat milk. But she witnessed a very clear connection between acute dental distress without raw goat milk and dramatic improvement once the raw milk regime was started again. She also witnessed long-term dental health in her children during the periods that her family had access to raw goat milk.
When researching ways to respond to her children's allergic reaction to some foods, Grant said she discovered that goat milk contains fluorine. She doesn't recall where she found that information but suspects fluorine might have something to do with halting her child's acute dental problems.
Health writer Julie Phillips concurred, saying that goat milk is one of the best sources of dietary fluorine, nearly 10-times higher than cow milk. Fluorine helps build immunity and strengthen teeth and bones. Fluorine is depleted during the cooking process, so is only present in unpasteurized milk. The chemical "fluoride" does not have the same healing properties and is best avoided wherever possible.
Research on the website altmedangel.com also revealed that "chlorine and fluorine are natural germicides and fluorine assists in preventing diabetes."
However, fluorine isn't the only ingredient in goat milk that has the potential for improving dental health.
"Most adults never get the daily recommended amount of calcium, 1,300mg, unless they are taking supplements, which are not good for you anyway," said Stephanie Bugielski, of M & S Farm in New York state. "You would need to eat an extraordinary amount of greens in one day to get the amount of calcium a body needs, or you can add goat milk to your diet. Especially raw goat milk. It is easy to digest and full of healthy living enzymes that help you assimilate calcium. In other words your body can use it. Once the milk is pasteurized the enzymes are killed off, and you are left with a useless drink."
Bugielski, who milks a dozen goats at her farm in the Catskills, sells a lot of raw milk to customers who drive an hour or more to obtain it. She, and her customers, believe that dental health is part of an entire package of benefits derived from drinking goat milk. "Goat milk provides 13% more calcium, 25% more Vitamin B-6, 47% more Vitamin A, 134% more potassium and 350% more niacin than cow milk," she said, "Goat milk is also higher in chloride, copper and manganese."
Vanessa Grant believes that young children who drink goat milk, with all its nutrients, may continue to reap the benefits of it when they are older, even if they are no longer drinking it.
"It seems that the more goat milk they had from an earlier age the healthier they were in general," she said. "The poor lad who had commercial formula from seven months had multiple intolerances and remains the most sensitive of our children now, whereas the ones who had raw goat milk from weaning are either totally fine, or very mildly reactive to very large quantities."
"We now live and work on a regular (bovine) dairy farm, and our children all now tolerate raw cow milk," Grant said. "I do find that we still have a few issues with pasteurized cow milk, and I instantly get a strong reaction to ultrapastuerized/UHT milk."
She said that her family had grown to a stage where they didn't need goat milk to survive anymore, but if they had very young children again, she would definitely make sure they had access to it.
"It seems that when our children were very young they tolerated goat milk more than cow milk," she said. "It is very beneficial for them, in so many ways."

Kandungan & Khasiat Susu Kambing ORGANIK

Berdasarkan kesimpulan dari beberapa referensi, bahwa susu kambing memiliki kandungan mineral yang sempurna dan sangat bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki system jaringan tubuh manusia diantaranya :
a. Mengandung Zincum (Zn) pembentuk system kekebalan tubuh
b. Mineral Alkaline baik untuk penderita Maag Kronis.
c. Zat Flourin serta betakasein baik bagi penderita Bronchitis, Asma, TBC, Pneumonia.
d. Kandungan A2-betakasein dan Asam Amino Esensial pembentuk Insulin berguna bagi penderita diabetes
e. Cynokobalamin pembentu zat Hb bagi penderita Demam berdarah, Anemia, Thalasemia
f. Kalium (K) berguna bagi penderita Arteriosclerosis, Tekanan Darah Tinggi maupun Darah Rendah
g. Enzim Xanthine Oxydase dan niasin (Vit B3) berfungsi mengatasi sel Kanker/Tumor dan mengurangi efek toksis kemoterapi
h. Kandungan Kalsium membantu pertumbuhan tulang dan mencegah Osteoporosis
i. Kandungan MCTnya (Medium Chain Trygliseride) berguna bagi program Dietary dan penyembuhan akibat stroke
j. Kaya dengan lactoglobulin penahan protein penyebab alergi
k. Tingkat keasaman yang menyerupai kulit dapat melembabkan dan mempercantik kulit
l. Mengandung mineral, belerang metionin, riboflavin (Vit B2) dan B3 yang menumbuhkembangkan sel otak serta system saraf bagi kecerdasan anak.
m. Riboflavin (Vit B2) bermanfaat menurunkan frekuensi serangan migrain
n. Lactoferrin (LF), lactoperoxidase, lysozyme dan peptide dapat meningkatkan aktivitas CD4 dan sel T sebagai pembentuk system kekebalan tubuh bagi penderita infeksi virus HIV
Dikutip dari dr. Zen Djaja MD, Praktisi pengobatan herbal dan dr. Imelda Margaretha, Healt Consultan PT Diamond Interest International

What are Benefit of Goat's Milk for Babies

What Are the Benefits of Goat's Milk forBabies?
Some mothers find that their children don't react well to cow's milk and are looking for alternatives. There are multiple benefits in goat's milk for babies, say pediatricians like Dr. William Sears and Dr. Alan Greene. It has less lactose and fewer allergens than cow's milk, is easier on children's tummies andis closer to your own breast milk.

Easy to Digest
The protein in goat's milk makes it easier to digest than cow's milk, according to pediatrician Dr. William Sears. If your baby often spits up or has reflux, goat's milk might be a good option. Goat's milk also has different fats than cow's milk; the fat globules ingoat's milk do not cluster together, making them easier to digest. Goat's milk also reportedly contains more of some essential fatty acids, as well as a higher proportion of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids. These are easier for intestinal enzymes to digest, notes Dr. Sears.
Less Allergenic
Goat's milk contains only minute amounts of casein, the allergenic protein found in cow's milk, according to Dr. Sears. However, goat's milk and cow's milk both contain another type of allergenic protein, beta-lactoglobulin,so if your baby is allergic to cow's milk he or she may also be allergic to goat's milk. Additionally, goat's milk contains slightly less lactose than cow's milk, saysDr. Sears.
Goat's Milk Formula
Like cow's milk, goat's milk should not be used in place of breast milk or formula for infants, according to Dr. Sears. However, if your baby is less than a year old and soy or hypoallergenic formulas are too difficult to stomach, you should speak to your health care provider about homemade goat's milk formula. This formula--which includes goat's milk as well as added carbohydrates like rice syrup--has"stood the test of time," says Dr. Sears. It should only be given after consulting with your pediatrician; a baby on this formula should also receivevitamin supplements, as prescribed by his or her doctor.
Goat's milk contains significantly higher amounts of calcium, vitamin B-6, vitaminA, potassium and niacin than cow's milk, says Dr. Sears. It is also four times higher in copper and has 27 percent more selenium, an antioxidant. However, since goat's milk contains considerably less vitamin B12 and folic acid than cow's milk, you should speak to your pediatrician about giving your child a folic acid or multivitamin supplement.
Almost Human
Goat's milk is more similar to your breastmilk than cow's milk is; in some countries it is the primary milk given to babies and children, notes pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene. Goat's milk, like your breastmilk, produces an alkaline reaction, whereas cow's milk causes an acid reaction, which can promote bacterial growth, according to the book"Nature's Prescription Milk." In infants over one year of age, goat's milk can be readily used instead of cow's milk.
Cheese and Yogurt
Even if your baby doesn't have a cow's milk allergy or intolerance, he or she may prefer the mild taste and nutritional benefits of goat's milk cheeses and yogurts. You can offer these pasteurized foods to your baby at around six months of age, says pediatrician Frank Greer, former chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Committee on Nutrition. Cheese and yogurt are cultured, making the proteins easier forbabies to digest, which is why these products can be given earlier than milk. However, if your child has a milk intolerance or allergy you should talk to your pediatrician before introducing anydairy products.
AskDrSears: Got Goat's Milk?
Parenting: Ask Dr. Sears: Advantages ofGoat's Milk
Parents: Dr. Alan Greene on Goat's Milk
BabyCenter: When can my baby eat cheese?
Rockwell Nutrition: Cow Milk and Goat Milk FAQs
About this Author
Justine Fontinell began writing professionally in 1998 for websites including People.com and ChickClick. She has a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and is a Certified Health Coach with the American Association ofDrugless Practitioners

What Are the Health Benefits of Goat's Milk?

What Are the Health Benefits of Goat'sMilk?
Traditional cultures have consumed goat's milk for thousands of years, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, and recently, scientific studies have revealed that its nutritionalcomposition makes it a healthy, and in some cases superior, alternative to cow's milk. A staple in Europe and the Near East, goat's milk is a creamy beverage that Americans are only just beginning to add to their diets.

Nutrient Bioavailability
A 2004 study by the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition showed that goat milk is more beneficial than cow milk. Goat milk prevented iron deficiency and bone softening in the study's rat population because the iron,calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in goat's milk are more bioavailable, according to researchers. Studies in humans are necessary to confirm the findings. Additionally, goat milk has more calcium, vitamins A and B6 than cow milk and comparable amounts of protein. according to Stephanie Clark, Ph.D., associate professor of food science at Washington State University.
Traditional Uses
Humans domesticated goats for their production of milk, wool, and meat about 9,000 years ago. In many countries, such as France, goat milk is used to make cheese. Specific goat breeds were developed in Switzerland and their goat milk is used to make their highly popular chocolate products.
Baby Formula
Goat milk is closer in composition to human milk than cow milk and the protein in goat milk is easier to digest, according to Alan Greene, M.D., FAAP. Some people choose to use goat milk in baby formula, and when they do, they should be aware that vitamin B12 and folic acid are found in lower concentrations in goat milk than cow milk and should be added to the infant's diet in other forms, according to the website Parents.com. Without supplementation of these nutrients, anemia could develop. Additionally, goat milk should be boiled and cooled before feeding it to infants because goat milk is sometimes infected with a bacterium called brucellosis.
Healthy Nutritional Content
Goat milk is a nutrient-dense food that provides a healthy amount of daily energy requirements. One cup has about 170 calories, 10 g of fat , and 27mg of cholesterol, according to Vegetarian Times. Another benefit of goat milk is that some people prefer its velvety texture.
Science Daily: Goats' Milk Is More Beneficial To Health Than Cows' Milk, Study Suggests
Vegetarian Times: Milk: To Be Got Or Not?
Parents.com: Dr. Alan Greene on Goat'sMilk: Will my baby be allergic to goat's milk?
Los Angeles Times: Poring Over Facts About Milk
Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia: Goat
About this Author
Based in Richmond, VA, Tara Carson has been writing health-related articles since 2000. Her articles have appeared on corporate websites and in newsletters. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in journalism and nutrition from Virginia Commonwealth University and was an adjunct professorof Nutrition at Northwest Christian University for three years.